Motivational Monday

I would like to use this post to apologize to the Jab fam for not updating the blog for quite some time now, it was due to some unforeseen circumstances which i would blog about some day. But we all need to be encouraged or motivated at some point in life and i think the best day to do that is on Monday, a day most of us dread.  

Life is filled with wonderfully abundant things, yet that abundance is not always apparent. Thankfulness makes the abundance that is already there evident and available.

It is easy to be thankful when everything is going good, when there are no difficulties, when everything is going your way. It is through those dark and difficult times that we look past those things in which we have to be thankful for. For being truly thankful enables you to look past those hardships. To see and appreciate for what is always there, even through the most difficult times.
 May the things you already have in your life become more evident to you today and through the week.


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